Big Game Hunting

Leverage your acquistion spend

Creating a strong and scalable customer acquisition strategy requires more than just compelling marketing messages. Firstly, it will requires a robust and agile infrastructure that facilitates the integration, analysis, and management of customer data. Secondly, you're going to need the infrastructure to test and measure your messaging.

We were recently contracted to go on a customer acquisition binge for a few entities. Below is a summary of what we put in place. These are the foundational infrastructure elements that can help your organization effectively acquire and retain customers.

Agile Development Environment

A robust customer acquisition strategy starts with an agile development environment. Agile practices allow for rapid iteration and constant feedback, enabling teams to respond quickly to and test new changes. Once you get your MVP content up there, your going to want to change it. It needs to be able to be changed fast.

By integrating development, operations, and testing processes, the agile environments promote collaboration and efficiency. We deployed Jira for project management, GitHub for version control, GitHub Workflows for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). With this in place, we could quickly pivot changes on a local environment, push them to the staging instances and then deploy to the production environments.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

CRM systems are crucial for managing and analyzing customer interactions and data. They provide a centralized platform to track leads, monitor interactions, and follow up effectively.A good CRM will enable the segmentation of your customer base, helping you target specific customer groups with personalized marketing campaigns. Salesforce, HubSpot, Netsuite, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are popular CRM choices. For this instance, we chose Hubspot.

Email Service Provider

Having an efficient measurement and analytics system is fundamental to understand customer behavior, track conversions, and measure the performance of your acquisition strategies. This data-driven approach helps you optimize your marketing efforts and focus on high-performing channels. Google Analytics is a go-to tool for website and app analytics, providing insights into user behavior and campaign performance. Additionally, tools like Mixpanel and Amplitude can provide advanced product analytics.

Experimentation System

An experimentation or A/B testing system is an essential part of any customer acquisition strategy. This system enables you to test different variations of your marketing efforts to see which performs best, helping you make data-driven decisions. Optimizely and Google Optimize are popular choices for their user-friendly interfaces and robust testing capabilities.

Attribution Measurement

Attribution is a key element in understanding your customer acquisition strategy. An attribution system allows you to identify which marketing channels or touchpoints are driving the most customer conversions. This could be through social media, email marketing, organic search, paid ads, or even word-of-mouth referrals.

By understanding how customers are finding your business, you can optimize your marketing efforts and allocate resources more effectively. You can focus more on channels that drive the most customer conversions and less on those that don't.

Several advanced analytics tools offer attribution tracking, including Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and AppsFlyer. With these tools, you can understand the customer's journey and discover which touchpoints along that journey are most influential in their decision to convert.

Adding attribution to your customer acquisition infrastructure will ensure you have a well-rounded understanding of your customers and where they're coming from. This insight allows you to make more informed marketing decisions, ultimately leading to better customer acquisition results.

By including attribution in your infrastructure, you ensure that you not only know who your customers are and what they want, but also how they found you in the first place. With this comprehensive understanding, you can build a more effective, data-driven customer acquisition strategy.

Aquiring the right customers

In conclusion, a well-structured customer acquisition strategy isn't solely about acquiring new customers; it's about acquiring the right customers. By investing in these foundational infrastructure components, you can better understand your customers, tailor your marketing efforts, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and customer loyalty.